Expert 10/10 Sepoy Rush | Age of Empires 3 | India Vs Russia | with commentary | Great Lakes

2017-10-02 0

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How to do the 10/10 Sepoy Rush with India in AOE 3. 1v1 Expert difficulty with commentary. India vs Russia. This tutorial also works on Hard . Recorded using Fraps\r
Step by Step Intructions:\r
------------------------------- Age I ------------------------------\r
* Use explorer to reveal map/gather treasure/ find enemy TC\r
* TC waypoint to wood\r
* Gather TC shipment, queue up settlers\r
* 7 settlers gather 100 wood, move to food\r
* Queue 10th settler\r
* Card 1: Distributivism ( wood trickle)\r
* 10 settlers on food\r
* @ 600 food 2 settlers gather wood by enemy TC\r
* Save card #2 for second prestige\r
-------------------- Age II --[Agra Fort]-- 2 Sepoys -----------------------\r
-pre prestige\r
* 3 settlers on Mine\r
* 7 settlers gather 200 wood, then back on food\r
* 1 Miner builds 2 Houses\r
-post prestige\r
* Card 2: 5 Sepoys + 1 villager\r
* Queue 5 Sepoys from Agra Fort\r
* 2 Settlers build RAX by enemy TC, Back to food\r
* Start queuing Sepoys\r
* Card 3: 4 Sowars + 1 villager\r
* 3 more houses\r
* Continue making Sepoys\r
Attack with your first 12 Sepoys. non stop harass enemy settlers, engage attacks on any threats while constantly pumping in new Sepoy waves from forward RAX. Once enemy TC is destroyed and settlers are Killed youv won the match.\r
* If you start out with enough wood to get the initial 10 settlers, go straight to food\r
* Depending on your opponent - you may want to send the 4 sowar card first (5 skirms can easily beat 10 sepoy).\r
* Use Bonus settlers where needed\r
* Harras the enemy early with War Elephants\r
* Card follow ups ive included infantry train faster, resources from hunted animals/berry increased.\r
asian dynasties\r
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----------------------------- The Indians ------------------------------------------\r
During The Asian Dynasties time-period, the Mughal Empire controlled India and much of the region around it.\r
The most significant detail about the Indian economy is that their villagers cost wood instead of food. Lots of wood will be required early on in the game since not only must villagers be built with it, but it will also be required to build houses and any other buildings needed early on. Like the Dutch, playing India will require quite a bit of change from the traditional civilizations.\r
The Indian decks will completely lack any villager cards, yet they make up for this in a big way. Most homecity shipments also send one villager along with them, similar to how German shipments also send Uhlans. This opens up a few interesting early game possibilities, since without the villager cards they will be able to send other shipments to carve out a strategy in the Discovery Age.\r
The Indians also have another unique ability. Due to their reverence for cows, they are unable to use them as a food source. Instead they can place the herdables into a Sacred Field (a substitute for a livestock pen) to generate extra experience points.\r
Pros -\r
• Very flexible military \r
• Great wonders (Karni Mata/Agra Fort/Tower of Inspiration) \r
• Solid economy \r
Cons -\r
• A very different play style since villagers cost wood \r
• Very HC/upgrade dependent - you just plain need certain cards/upgrades. \r
• Elephants are really pop heavy for their cost. \r
Did you know you pay for 10 settlers this entire rush?\r
comments/suggestion below, Thanks mrcrucial